Source code for empyrical.stats

# Copyright 2016 Quantopian, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from __future__ import division

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy import stats

from empyrical.utils import nanmean



DAILY = 'daily'
WEEKLY = 'weekly'
MONTHLY = 'monthly'
YEARLY = 'yearly'

    YEARLY: 1

def _adjust_returns(returns, adjustment_factor):
    Returns a new :py:class:`pandas.Series` adjusted by adjustment_factor.
    Optimizes for the case of adjustment_factor being 0.

    returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series`
    adjustment_factor : :py:class:`pandas.Series` / :class:`float`

    if isinstance(adjustment_factor, (float, int)) and adjustment_factor == 0:
        return returns.copy()
    return returns - adjustment_factor

def annualization_factor(period, annualization):
    Return annualization factor from period entered or if a custom
    value is passed in.

    period : :class:`str`, optional
        Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of
        annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified.
        See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`.
    annualization : :class:`int`, optional
        Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert
        returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of

        Annualization factor.
    if annualization is None:
            factor = ANNUALIZATION_FACTORS[period]
        except KeyError:
            raise ValueError(
                "Period cannot be '{}'. "
                "Can be '{}'.".format(
                    period, "', '".join(ANNUALIZATION_FACTORS.keys())
        factor = annualization
    return factor

[docs]def cum_returns(returns, starting_value=0): """ Compute cumulative returns from simple returns. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Returns of the strategy as a percentage, noncumulative. Time series with decimal returns. Example:: 2015-07-16 -0.012143 2015-07-17 0.045350 2015-07-20 0.030957 2015-07-21 0.004902. starting_value : :class:`float`, optional The starting returns. Returns ------- :py:class:`pandas.Series` Series of cumulative returns. Notes ----- For increased numerical accuracy, convert input to log returns where it is possible to sum instead of multiplying. PI((1+r_i)) - 1 = exp(ln(PI(1+r_i))) # x = exp(ln(x)) = exp(SIGMA(ln(1+r_i)) # ln(a*b) = ln(a) + ln(b) """ # df_price.pct_change() adds a nan in first position, we can use # that to have cum_logarithmic_returns start at the origin so that # df_cum.iloc[0] == starting_value # Note that we can't add that ourselves as we don't know which dt # to use. if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan if pd.isnull(returns.iloc[0]): returns = returns.copy() returns.iloc[0] = 0. df_cum = np.exp(np.log1p(returns).cumsum()) if starting_value == 0: return df_cum - 1 else: return df_cum * starting_value
[docs]def aggregate_returns(returns, convert_to): """ Aggregates returns by week, month, or year. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. convert_to : :class:`str` Can be 'weekly', 'monthly', or 'yearly'. Returns ------- :py:class:`pandas.Series` Aggregated returns. """ def cumulate_returns(x): return cum_returns(x)[-1] if convert_to == WEEKLY: grouping = [lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.isocalendar()[1]] elif convert_to == MONTHLY: grouping = [lambda x: x.year, lambda x: x.month] elif convert_to == YEARLY: grouping = [lambda x: x.year] else: raise ValueError( 'convert_to must be {}, {} or {}'.format(WEEKLY, MONTHLY, YEARLY) ) return returns.groupby(grouping).apply(cumulate_returns)
[docs]def max_drawdown(returns): """ Determines the maximum drawdown of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Maximum drawdown. Note ----- See for more details. """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan cumulative = cum_returns(returns, starting_value=100) max_return = cumulative.cummax() return cumulative.sub(max_return).div(max_return).min()
[docs]def annual_return(returns, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """ Determines the mean annual growth rate of returns. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Periodic returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`cum_returns`. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. Defaults are:: {'monthly':12 'weekly': 52 'daily': 252} annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Annual Return as CAGR (Compounded Annual Growth Rate). """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) num_years = float(len(returns)) / ann_factor start_value = 100 end_value = cum_returns(returns, starting_value=start_value).iloc[-1] total_return = (end_value - start_value) / start_value annual_return = (1. + total_return) ** (1. / num_years) - 1 return annual_return
[docs]def annual_volatility(returns, period=DAILY, alpha=2.0, annualization=None): """ Determines the annual volatility of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. alpha : :class:`float`, optional Scaling relation (Levy stability exponent). annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Annual volatility. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) volatility = returns.std() * (ann_factor ** (1.0 / alpha)) return volatility
[docs]def calmar_ratio(returns, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """ Determines the Calmar ratio, or drawdown ratio, of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Calmar ratio (drawdown ratio) as :class:`float`. Returns numpy.nan if there is no calmar ratio. Note ----- See for more details. """ max_dd = max_drawdown(returns=returns) if max_dd < 0: temp = annual_return( returns=returns, period=period, annualization=annualization ) / abs(max_dd) else: return np.nan if np.isinf(temp): return np.nan return temp
[docs]def omega_ratio(returns, risk_free=0.0, required_return=0.0, annualization=APPROX_BDAYS_PER_YEAR): """ Determines the Omega ratio of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. risk_free : :class:`int`, :class:`float` Constant risk-free return throughout the period required_return : :class:`float`, optional Minimum acceptance return of the investor. Threshold over which to consider positive vs negative returns. It will be converted to a value appropriate for the period of the returns. E.g. An annual minimum acceptable return of 100 will translate to a minimum acceptable return of 0.018. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Factor used to convert the required_return into a daily value. Enter 1 if no time period conversion is necessary. Returns ------- :class:`float` Omega ratio. Note ----- See for more details. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan if annualization == 1: return_threshold = required_return elif required_return <= -1: return np.nan else: return_threshold = (1 + required_return) ** \ (1. / annualization) - 1 returns_less_thresh = returns - risk_free - return_threshold numer = sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh > 0.0]) denom = -1.0 * sum(returns_less_thresh[returns_less_thresh < 0.0]) if denom > 0.0: return numer / denom else: return np.nan
[docs]def sharpe_ratio(returns, risk_free=0, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """ Determines the Sharpe ratio of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. risk_free : :class:`int`, :class:`float` Constant risk-free return throughout the period. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Sharpe ratio. numpy.nan If insufficient length of returns or if if adjusted returns are 0. Note ----- See for more details. """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) returns_risk_adj = _adjust_returns(returns, risk_free).dropna() if np.std(returns_risk_adj, ddof=1) == 0: return np.nan return np.mean(returns_risk_adj) / np.std(returns_risk_adj, ddof=1) * \ np.sqrt(ann_factor)
[docs]def sortino_ratio(returns, required_return=0, period=DAILY, annualization=None, _downside_risk=None): """ Determines the Sortino ratio of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` or pd.DataFrame Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. required_return: :class:`float` / :py:class:`pandas.Series` minimum acceptable return period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. _downside_risk : :class:`float`, optional The downside risk of the given inputs, if known. Will be calculated if not provided. Returns ------- :class:`float` or :py:class:`pandas.Series` Annualized Sortino ratio. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan adj_returns = _adjust_returns(returns, required_return) mu = nanmean(adj_returns, axis=0) dsr = (_downside_risk if _downside_risk is not None else downside_risk(returns, required_return)) sortino = mu / dsr if len(returns.shape) == 2: sortino = pd.Series(sortino, index=returns.columns) return sortino * ann_factor
[docs]def downside_risk(returns, required_return=0, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """ Determines the downside deviation below a threshold Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` or pd.DataFrame Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. required_return: :class:`float` / :py:class:`pandas.Series` minimum acceptable return period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float`, or :py:class:`pandas.Series` Annualized downside deviation """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) downside_diff = _adjust_returns(returns, required_return) mask = downside_diff > 0 downside_diff[mask] = 0.0 squares = np.square(downside_diff) mean_squares = nanmean(squares, axis=0) dside_risk = np.sqrt(mean_squares) * np.sqrt(ann_factor) if len(returns.shape) == 2: dside_risk = pd.Series(dside_risk, index=returns.columns) return dside_risk
[docs]def information_ratio(returns, factor_returns): """ Determines the Information ratio of a strategy. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` or pd.DataFrame Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. factor_returns: :class:`float` / :py:class:`pandas.Series` Benchmark return to compare returns against. Returns ------- :class:`float` The information ratio. Note ----- See for more details. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan active_return = _adjust_returns(returns, factor_returns) tracking_error = np.std(active_return, ddof=1) if np.isnan(tracking_error): return 0.0 if tracking_error == 0: return np.nan return np.mean(active_return) / tracking_error
[docs]def alpha_beta(returns, factor_returns, risk_free=0.0, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """Calculates annualized alpha and beta. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. factor_returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market. This is in the same style as returns. risk_free : :class:`int`, :class:`float`, optional Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the interest rate on a three month us treasury bill. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` Alpha. :class:`float` Beta. """ b = beta(returns, factor_returns, risk_free) a = alpha(returns, factor_returns, risk_free, period, annualization, _beta=b) return a, b
[docs]def alpha(returns, factor_returns, risk_free=0.0, period=DAILY, annualization=None, _beta=None): """Calculates annualized alpha. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. factor_returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market. This is in the same style as returns. risk_free : :class:`int`, :class:`float`, optional Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the interest rate on a three month us treasury bill. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. _beta : :class:`float`, optional The beta for the given inputs, if already known. Will be calculated internally if not provided. Returns ------- :class:`float` Alpha. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) if _beta is None: b = beta(returns, factor_returns, risk_free) else: b = _beta adj_returns = _adjust_returns(returns, risk_free) adj_factor_returns = _adjust_returns(factor_returns, risk_free) alpha_series = adj_returns - (b * adj_factor_returns) return alpha_series.mean() * ann_factor
[docs]def beta(returns, factor_returns, risk_free=0.0): """Calculates beta. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. factor_returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily noncumulative returns of the factor to which beta is computed. Usually a benchmark such as the market. This is in the same style as returns. risk_free : :class:`int`, :class:`float`, optional Constant risk-free return throughout the period. For example, the interest rate on a three month us treasury bill. Returns ------- :class:`float` Beta. """ if len(returns) < 2 or len(factor_returns) < 2: return np.nan # Filter out dates with np.nan as a return value joint = pd.concat([_adjust_returns(returns, risk_free), factor_returns], axis=1).dropna() if len(joint) < 2: return np.nan if np.absolute(joint.var().iloc[1]) < 1.0e-30: return np.nan return np.cov(joint.values.T, ddof=0)[0, 1] / np.var(joint.iloc[:, 1])
[docs]def stability_of_timeseries(returns): """Determines R-squared of a linear fit to the cumulative log returns. Computes an ordinary least squares linear fit, and returns R-squared. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` R-squared. """ if len(returns) < 2: return np.nan returns = returns.dropna() cum_log_returns = np.log1p(returns).cumsum() rhat = stats.linregress(np.arange(len(cum_log_returns)), cum_log_returns.values)[2] return rhat ** 2
[docs]def tail_ratio(returns): """Determines the ratio between the right (95%) and left tail (5%). For example, a ratio of 0.25 means that losses are four times as bad as profits. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. Returns ------- :class:`float` tail ratio """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan # Be tolerant of nan's returns = returns.dropna() if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan return np.abs(np.percentile(returns, 95)) / \ np.abs(np.percentile(returns, 5))
[docs]def cagr(returns, period=DAILY, annualization=None): """ Compute compound annual growth rate. Parameters ---------- returns : :py:class:`pandas.Series` Daily returns of the strategy, noncumulative. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.cum_returns`. period : :class:`str`, optional Defines the periodicity of the 'returns' data for purposes of annualizing. Value ignored if `annualization` parameter is specified. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. annualization : :class:`int`, optional Used to suppress default values available in `period` to convert returns into annual returns. Value should be the annual frequency of `returns`. See full explanation in :func:`~empyrical.stats.annual_return`. Returns ------- :class:`float`, numpy.nan The CAGR value. """ if len(returns) < 1: return np.nan ann_factor = annualization_factor(period, annualization) no_years = len(returns) / float(ann_factor) ending_value = cum_returns(returns, starting_value=1).iloc[-1] return ending_value ** (1. / no_years) - 1
SIMPLE_STAT_FUNCS = [ annual_return, annual_volatility, sharpe_ratio, calmar_ratio, stability_of_timeseries, max_drawdown, omega_ratio, sortino_ratio, stats.skew, stats.kurtosis, tail_ratio, cagr ] FACTOR_STAT_FUNCS = [ information_ratio, alpha, beta, ]